TEL:021-51602737 18121314445
 进口阀门闸阀蝶阀球阀截止阀放料阀止回阀平衡阀针型阀疏水阀排气阀电磁阀温控阀呼吸阀旋塞阀隔膜阀管夹阀减压阀阻火器调节阀过滤器安全阀液压阀门气动角座阀水力控制阀 |底阀 |
    Spirax Sarco exhaust valve
    Steam system with automatic exhaust valve
     Air and other non-condensable gases in the steam system will cause a lot of problems . Warm-up time will be extended only , and the mixture of steam and air at the same pressure will be lower than that of pure steam temperature . Air film reduces heat transfer efficiency , resulting in increased fuel consumption , and these gases are also the main reason for the air pipe corrosion formation . Use automatic exhaust valve Spirax Sarco steam system to exclude air and other non-condensable gases , while not leaking steam.
     AV13 - using brass body , threaded connections, the working pressure 13barg, corrosion-resistant and built-in filter .
     AVC32 and AVS32 steel and stainless steel were used . Threaded , flanged and welding connections , corrosion and built-in filter .
     Water supply pipeline with automatic air eliminator
     Air and other non-condensable gas inside the water pipe will cause a lot of problems , such as noise , corrosion, hysteresis loop , and even cause a temporary interruption of the device. When these gases are introduced into the water filling pipe , thorough and effective way to effectively eliminate the use of these gases automatic air eliminator .
     Spirax Sarco air eliminator use the float buoyancy action. Air exclusion is a natural gathering place installed in the air exclusion can automatically turn on to exclude air and automatically shut down when the water passes through . Air exclusion is automatic work , either in the boot or runtime are no adjustment .
    Air vent for the following applications :
        Automatically exclude air
        S emptying liquid systems
        Steam system to exclude air
    Avoid residual air system , or waste steam
     斯派莎克AV13排空气阀 - 采用黄铜制阀体,螺纹连接,工作压力13barg,耐腐蚀并内置过滤器。

蝶阀 |
电话:021-51602737传真:021-51602737手机:18121314445 地址: 上海奉贤区南桥光钱路600弄8号